pvc 001 - always hire a professional
pvc 002 - know your budget
pvc 003 - honour the code
pvc 004 - respect the boundaries
pvc 005 - hold your water
pvc 006 - grow food. not grass
pvc 007 - watch your orientation
pvc 008 - an open window
pvc 001 - always hire a professional
pvc 001 - always hire a professional

While it's always tempting to go with the cheapest option, not getting the best person for the job could cost you more in the long run.

pvc 002 - know your budget
pvc 002 - know your budget

Don't begin to plan your project without knowing how much you can afford to spend.

pvc 003 - honour the code
pvc 003 - honour the code

Believe it or not, Trinidad & Tobago construction is governed by several building codes and ordinances, and while they aren't strictly enforced, adhereing to them are for your own protection. Don't take short cuts. 

pvc 004 - respect the boundaries
pvc 004 - respect the boundaries

You own the lot, but that doesn't necessarily mean you can build on all of it. Building setbacks provide safety, privacy and promotes a healthier environment. Your site needs to breathe too.

pvc 005 - hold your water
pvc 005 - hold your water

Make every effort to allow rain water from your roof to permeate into the soil on your lot instead of draining it into the road or nearby collector drain.

pvc 006 - grow food. not grass
pvc 006 - grow food. not grass

One surefire way to know your're going local is to grow your own food. We import everything in T&T, don't waste your valuable yard space. You'll be amazed to learn how much food you can grow in your own backyard with little effort.

pvc 007 - watch your orientation
pvc 007 - watch your orientation

The direction that you orient your building, rooms or even windows can greatly influence the comfort of a space. Take advantage of natural breezes, and use overhangs effectively to lower your indoor temp and your electricity bill.

pvc 008 - an open window
pvc 008 - an open window

Maximize airflow and increase your thermal comfort by using windows to boost cross ventilation. With a little planning, you can direct cooling breezes throughout your home.